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T. minimum: 4ºC T. maximum: 10ºC
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T. minimum: 4ºC T. maximum: 10ºC
T. minimum: 3ºC T. maximum: 12ºC
T. minimum: 2ºC T. maximum: 9ºC
The Esquella forest is a magical wood, easily accessible, very close to the town of Ordino and a host to two outdoor exhibitions; the woods of the Tió de Nadal and Roots
Do you dare to play with us? Nature, Culture and Fun. Would you be a good miner?
Projecte transfronterer per crear rutes de patrimoni sonor de muntanya i de costa, en format digital.
Have you ever been in an Escape Room? Now you can do it outdoors.
Fly over 100 metres off the ground over 16 zip lines running along nearly 200 metres.
Follow all the clues to decipher the puzzle and if you succeed you can take home a prize!
Vall de Sorteny Natural Park.
Dino, the playful and hard-working Tamarro